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10 Things to Do Before & After a Feast

Writer's picture: Doug JoachimDoug Joachim

Updated: Nov 23, 2024

feasting strategies Navigate holiday feasts like a pro

Like the ancient Romans (and the Vikings), we should save feasting for special occasions, not make it a weekly event. When we do feast, it’s futile to stress about “cheating” or falling off the diet wagon. That would defeat the entire purpose of the festivities! If you decide to indulge for Thanksgiving, do it with gusto. Feasting a few times a year will not make you gain weight. Most weight gain comes from consistently eating extra calories over an extended period. As long as you return to your regular eating habits immediately afterward—and don’t let one day of overindulgence snowball into weeks of bingeing—having an occasional celebratory meal won’t break the scale.

Still, if you’re staring down a turkey the size of a small car, a vat of mashed potatoes, and a pie pyramid, here are 10 sensible strategies to help you enjoy the feast without feeling like you’re auditioning for My 600-lb Life:

  1. About 30 minutes prior to the meal do just 5-6 minutes of moderate to high-intensity cardio. About 30 minutes before the meal, do just 5-6 minutes of moderate to high-intensity cardio: air squats, stairs, pushups, jumping jacks, or even a few rounds of awkward TikTok dances. The muscle contractions will temporarily improve insulin sensitivity, which may decrease fat storage and shuttle more energy into lean muscle. Studies show exercising before a meal (preferably before breakfast) may also increase 24-hour fat oxidation levels

  2. After the meal, take a long walk. Do not sit down to watch TV or fall asleep. Light exercise after meal intake suppresses triglycerides. It is best to start aerobics (light movement) about 30 min post-meal in order to lower blood glucose levels and increase fat oxidation. Anecdotally, walking (or dancing) post-meal always makes me feel less full and more energized.

  3. Plan your meal. Know what you’re getting into before you sit down. If there’s a menu, make your choices in advance. Set some limits—you’re in charge here, not the pie. Keep in mind, overeating often leads to feeling uncomfortably full or even sick. Ask yourself: is it really worth being bloated for 12 hours?. Having a plan means you are back in control.

  4. Drink a big glass of water (or seltzer) before the meal. This will fill your stomach slightly and help prevent you from overeating. Researchers have shown that drinking 500ml of water half an hour before eating a main meal causes adults to lose weight. Pre-meal water consumption leads to a significant reduction in meal energy (calorie) intake.

  5. The day before a big meal, like a Thanksgiving feast, make sure you hit the gym.Studies show that insulin sensitivity can be enhanced significantly for a 24-hour period after a high-intensity resistance training session. Makes sure to do a hard workout the day before the festivities to help ameliorate any negative effects. Think of it as “damage control” for future-you.

  6. Limit your alcohol content before and during the meal. If this is not possible then make sure you drink 1 glass of water between each alcoholic beverage. This will at least slow you down and may even prevent a brain splitting hangover. Another reason to avoid drinking to excess: alcohol will lower your ability to make 'good choices'. Research shows alcohol impairs inhibitory control, which leads people to eat more. Keep in mind, beer, wine and spirits are mostly empty calories.

  7. Make sure to get an appropriate amount of sleep the night before the festivities. Lack of sleep has been shown scientifically to awaken that inner Cookie Monster. Without adequate rest, your appetite and cravings for unhealthy food may increase. Most people tend not to make good choices when tired. Studies show that even a single night of sleep deprivation changes the levels of our hunger and appetite hormones, leading to increased hunger. Poor sleep also wreaks havoc on our ability to respond sensibly to the sight (or even the thought) of food. Being rested means you’re more likely to make sensible choices—and less likely to lick the frosting off the cake.

  8. Eat slowly. Savor the moment and don't rush through the meal. Put your fork down between bites. Scientists have known for some time that it takes approximately 20 minutes to receive signals from digestive hormones - secreted in the gastrointestinal tract - indicating satiety. Eating slowly also helps our digestion and portion control. However, the exact duration of the lag between when you eat and when you feel full depends on a multitude of factors.

  9. Have a small protein filled meal/snack prior to the feast so that you don't feel 'starved' before you sit down. Protein induces prolonged ghrelin (hunger hormone) suppression and is considered to be the most satiating macronutrient. Starting the meal slightly satisfied can help keep your portions in check—and stop you from attacking the appetizer tray like a Viking at a buffet.

  10. Focus on fiber. Add high-fiber foods like vegetables, beans, or whole grains to your feast. Fiber slows digestion, increases fullness, and helps prevent blood sugar spikes. Fiber helps switch off the production of ghrelin, trigger secretion of appetite-suppressing gut hormones and exert pressure on the stomach's stretch receptors. It’s the unsung hero of holiday meals, helping you feel satisfied without needing to unbutton your pants.

Don’t deny yourself the joy of feasting—it’s one of life’s most cherished traditions, bringing people together to celebrate and indulge. The key is to approach it with intention and balance. Feasting is not about perfection or sticking rigidly to a diet—it’s about enjoying the moment, the company, and the flavors. With a little strategy and mindfulness, you can revel in the festivities without guilt or regret. Remember, one indulgent meal won’t undo your health goals—what matters most is the habits you maintain the other 364 days of the year. So go ahead, enjoy that second helping of stuffing or a slice of pie, and then get back to your usual routine with confidence. Life is meant to be savored, just like a perfectly roasted turkey. Celebrate, laugh, and feast, knowing you’ve set yourself up to indulge smartly—and without any trips to the vomitorium.


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