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Doug Joachim
4 min read
The Hot-Stepper: Benefits of Walking
“Everywhere is walking distance if you have the time.” ― Steven Wright I love being bipedal. Imagine life as a lowly quadruped, having to...

Doug Joachim
4 min read
10 Habits for Long Term Fat Loss
The five must-haves of weight loss exist in a hierarchy: Genetics Diet and hydration All non-exercise movement and activities (NEAT)...

Doug Joachim
5 min read
Resistance Training for Fat Loss
Resistance training, also commonly called 'weight training', 'strength training', 'working out' or 'pumping iron' has a considerable...
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Doug Joachim
5 min read
9 Evidence Based Ways To Cut Up For Summer
‘Hot town, summer in the city. Back of my neck getting dirty and gritty…..’ That means beach weather, bikinis, bare feet and lots of...

Doug Joachim
4 min read
NEAT: Magic Underpants & Weight Loss
Dr. James Levine from the Mayo Clinic (and inventor of the original treadmill desk) wanted to find out why some self proclaimed couch...
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