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Doug Joachim
7 min read
Diet Vs. Exercise
In today's health-conscious world, the pursuit of a fit and lean physique has become a prevailing goal for many. While the debate between...

Doug Joachim
5 min read
Ice Ice Baby: Cryotherapy Cures?
In the sports world and fitness industry, there is a perpetual search for a new edge. Athletes are always trying new sketchy...

Doug Joachim
5 min read
Resistance Training for Fat Loss
Resistance training, also commonly called 'weight training', 'strength training', 'working out' or 'pumping iron' has a considerable...
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Doug Joachim
8 min read
Liquid Candy: Sports Drinks, Juice and Smoothies Deconstructed
Don’t fool yourself into believing your daily detoxing juice or pre-workout smoothie is anything more than liquid candy with a few extra...

Doug Joachim
6 min read
Does Snacking Make You Fat?
FACT: Every time you eat anything (not just carbs) your pancreas releases more insulin into the bloodstream. Insulin’s two jobs are to...
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