There may be a correlation between strength and size but no direct causation. Many Lilliputian sized Olympic lifters continue to gain strength year after year despite the fact their body mass remains the same. On the other hand, there are hulking bodybuilders who are not as strong as they look. This is why in “Strongman Contests” you rarely ever see a bodybuilder win. The magnitude of muscle strength is undoubtedly linked to its size, but absolute strength is influenced by numerous additional factors:
The activation of contracting muscle fibers.
The speed at which these muscle fibers contract.
The involvement of inhibitory motor neurons.
The ability of muscle fibers to sustain contraction over time.
The sequence of muscle contractions.
The recruitment of stabilizing and co-contracting muscles.
The volitional effort and motivation exerted.
The levels of human growth hormone and testosterone in the bloodstream, with women generally producing lower amounts of these hormones, which can limit muscle growth.
Distinct training approaches are employed to enhance strength or hypertrophy (muscle size). The crux of strength production lies in neuromuscular efficiency, greatly influenced by regular explosive exercises. Strength training entails maximal or near-maximal lifts, short time under tension (5-20 seconds per set), and ample rest periods. On the other hand, hypertrophy training relies on longer bouts of time under tension (approximately 35-70 seconds), shorter rest periods, and weights typically not exceeding 80-90% of one's maximum one-rep max. By manipulating these variables and closely monitoring progress, it is feasible to develop a training routine tailored towards targeting strength, size, or a combination of both.
When compared to strength training, bodybuilding possesses fewer practical applications. Strength training revolves around engaging multiple muscles, utilizing momentum, leverage, and speed. In contrast, muscle-building predominantly emphasizes controlled, deliberate movements with a specific focus on individual muscles. Functional movement patterns are not the primary concern in bodybuilding. Olympic lifts and low-repetition exercises are typically fast-paced and demand full-body involvement. Many individuals prioritize exercise for aesthetic purposes but neglect the fundamental aspect of strength. Depending on personal goals and limitations, it is advisable to incorporate a hybrid training regimen that encompasses a comprehensive range of objectives.
The Pocket Hercules, Naim Suleymanoglu, from Greece, is 4’10” tall and weighs less than 135lbs yet he was strong enough to clean and jerk over 415lbs! He is a great example of someone who is quite small and possesses hulking strength.

Doug Joachim – NYC Personal trainer
